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Laws and Regulations Related to Beekeeping in Utah
County Bee Inspectors
Utah Extension: Bees and Other Pollinators
President's Message
We had a great convention and I would like to thank all who came. Thank you to the speakers for coming to teach us about becoming better beekeepers, and to Jerry Stoddard and the rest of the Board for setting up a great meeting. It takes a lot of work to pull it all together and they all did a great job. I would also like to say a big thank you to Gaylon Yack for all the years of service that he has given to the Association. He has been a big part of the Association, and we will miss his input on the board. We would like to welcome Jared Taylor as our President Elect, and Danielle Downy as a board member and we look forward to working with them.
I hope that everyone has ordered their packages and queens for the upcoming year. If not, I would advise you to talk to your queen breeder soon, as they usually go fast. Good luck to those who have hives in the almond groves in California. It was wet and muddy getting them put in, and I hope that everyone can get them out without any problems.
The Board of Directors of the Utah Beekeepers' Association has confirmed that the next Association convention will be on Feb 23rd and 24th, 2018. Stay tuned for details.
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to serving as the President of the Utah Beekeepers Association.
Michael Stephenson, President
Researchers in BYU's department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology are researching American Foulbrood (AFB) and specific bacteriophages which can eliminate the bacteria responsible for AFB (Paenibacillus larvae). They constantly need more samples from healthy hives as well as hives known to be infected with AFB so they can continue to isolate and identify phages which are effective in treating AFB in hives. They accept samples by mail or in person, depending on what is easier for beekeepers. They will even cover the costs of shipping samples and will provide shipping labels if needed. Contact the lab for
instructions on submitting samples.
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Association Officers
(Click on the link at the bottom of this page to send a message)
Title |
Name |
Term |
Phone |
President |
Michael Stephenson |
2017-2018 |
435-864-8346 |
Past President |
Jerry Stoddard |
2015-2016 |
435-864-3589 |
Elect |
Jared Taylor |
2019-2020 |
435-619-3005 |
Directors |
Danny Washburn |
2015-2017 |
435-527-3359 |
Bob Newswander |
2016-2018 |
208-852-6933 C |
Danielle Downey |
2017-2019 |
Treasurer |
Kathy Jones |
Appointed |
801-589-3960 C |
801-292-4752 H |
Secretary |
Roger Stephenson |
Appointed |
435-864-8362 C 435-864-2204 H
Historian |
Chubak |
Appointed |
801-654-9700 |
Webmaster |
Blaine Nay |
Appointed |
C |
Beekeeping Quote of the Day
If the colonies are strong in numbers and stores, have upward ventilation, easy communication from comb to comb, and water when needed, and hive entrances are sheltered from piercing winds, they have all the conditions essential to wintering successfully in the
open air. — LL Langstroth |
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