Logo courtesy of Al Chubak, Eco Bee Box.

Utah Beekeepers' Association

Since 1892 as Currently Organized, but Serving and Representing Utah's Beekeepers Since the Early 1860's

Report a Honey Bee Swarm

Curious about beekeeping? Need Help with your bees? Click here!

Utah Department of Agriculture and Food

Utah Beekeeper License Application

Laws and Regulations Related to Beekeeping in Utah

County Bee Inspectors

Utah Extension: Bees and Other Pollinators

Safe Surf Rated

ICRA Rated

Bee Diseases, Pests, and Other Problems

African Hive Beetle in Saguaro Park Africanized Honeybee
Africanized Honey Bee Facts Africanized Honey Bees
Africanized Honey Bees Africanized Honey Bees Around Live Stock & Pets
Africanized Honey Bees - Children's Guide Africanized Honey Bees: FAQ's
Africanized Honey Bee Spread - USDA Map Africanized Honey Bees: Prevention and Control
Africanized Honey Bees: Prevention and Control Africanized Honey Bees: Some Questions and Answers
American Foulbrood in the UK Apiary and Hive Hygiene
Apiary Hygiene Apiary Hygiene and Quarantine
Assessing a Dead out Colony Basic Microscopy for Bee-Wellness Beekeepers
Bee Diseases Bee Disease Videos
Bee Loss and Remedies Bee Wellness Workshops
BYU Phage Hunters CCD Long Report
CCD PPT Report CCD Summary
Colony Collapse Disorder Colony Collapse Disorder
Colony Collapse Disorder - Questions and Answers Diagnosis of Honey Bee Diseases
Disease Recognition Diseases, Pests, and Parasites
Diseases and Pests of Honey Bees Diseases of the Honey Bee
Disinfection DMOZ: Beekeeping Pests and Diseases
Essential Oil Control of Varroa Fat Bee, Skinny Bee
Fumigating Comb Fumigating with Acetic Acid to Decontaminate Brood Chambers
Healthy Bee Guide Hive Cleaning and Sterilization
Honey Bee Die-Off Caused By Multiple Factors Honeybee Diseases and Pests
Honey Bee Diseases, Pests and Medications Honey Bee Nutrition
How to Minimize Pesticide Damage to Honey Bees Hygiene in the Apiary
If Your Bees Swarm Keeping Healthy Bees
Life Cycle of Honey Bee and Varroa Mite Managing Varroa
Managing Varrora in the UK  
MiteCheck Mite Control in Honeybees With Essential Oils
Natural Suppression of Honey Bee Tracheal Mites Ol' Buffalo Beekeeping Supply Store
Parasitic Mites of Honey Bees Parasitic Mites of Honeybees
Pests in the Hive Phage Hunters
Powdered Sugar Dusting in Bee Colonies as Varroa Control Protecting Honey Bees From Pesticides
Protecting Bees When Using Insecticides Protect Your Bees from Varroa Mites by Honey Bee Health Coalition
  Randy Oliver's Scientific Beekeeping
Randy Oliver’s Varroa Model Reducing Bee Poisoning
Reduction of Honeybee Poisoning - USU Sampling Methods for Varroa Mites
Scientific Beekeeping Second-Hand Equipment
Small-Cell Combs for Control of Varroa Mites Small Hive Beetle
Stings Sugar Dusting for Varroa Mite Control
Sustainable Approach of Controlling Honey Bee Diseases and Varroa Mites Swarming in Bees
Swarm Prevention Swarm Prevention
The Bee MD Tools for Varroa Management Guide
Varroa Calculator Varroa Calculator
Varroa Management Varroa Mites
Varroa Mites Wax Moth Control
Researchers in BYU's department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology are researching American Foulbrood (AFB) and specific bacteriophages which can eliminate the bacteria responsible for AFB (Paenibacillus larvae). They constantly need more samples from hives known to be infected with AFB so they can continue to isolate and identify phages which are effective in treating AFB in hives. They accept samples by mail or in person, depending on what is easier for beekeepers. They will even cover the costs of shipping samples and will provide shipping labels if needed. Contact the lab for instructions on submitting samples.

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