Sorry, this isn't that kind of Website.
Dunno why I get more hits on this page than almost any other page on my site.
Overcoming Pornography
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Pornography Warning: Many of my web pages include links to other web sites that are maintained by other persons. I personally check all web sites before I link to them to ensure they are worthwhile and safe for trusting minds. However, it is not unusual for an innocent web site to turn into one you don't want your family to visit. What happened? It's a practice called called porn-napping. If a site's domain registry expires, the name is available for anyone to purchase and use. Sometimes, very worthwhile web sites simply disappear -- along with the content you're seeking. Even worse, the bad guys buy many of these expired domain names that have earned a good reputation and use them to assault us with pornography, internet gambling, scams, etc. The porn site often holds the URL's good name hostage, offering to sell the address back to the original owner at an inflated rate. For more information, go here. All parents should periodically check all sites that their children visit. I run a dead-link checker from time-to-time to ensure I have no dead links on my website. However, this process does not confirm that my links all go to the places I originally intended. If you discover this porn-napping condition on any links on my web pages, please notify me immediately.