Ol' Buffalo Outdoor Cooking Page

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Outdoor Cooking Recipes

A Happy Camper - Dutch Ovens Audleman/Webb Dutch Oven Cooking (v95)
Audleman Dutch Oven Cooking Barbecue'n On The Internet - The Only Source for Real Barbecue
Bayou Pots Beef Jerky Recipes
Bill's Camp Camp Recipes Bill's Cooking Links
Bill's Dutch Oven Recipes Bill's Dutch Oven Temperature Guide
Boiling With Hot Stones Boil Water in a Cabbage Leaf
Buffalo Camp Cook Byron's Dutch Oven Page
Camp Cooking with Food Storage Campfire Dutch Oven Cooking by Bruce Campbell
Camp, Game and Other Recipes Camping Food Planner Software
Cast Iron Trader Cookbook Cattail Pollen Pancakes
CeeDub's Dutch Oven FAQs  
Charles & Connie McGuffey Dutch Oven Page Chuckwagon Supply - Cookbooks for DO Cooking
Cookie Recipes Cookin' Campers
Cooking Basics for Campers Cooking Merit Badge
Cooking Outdoors Cooking Over An Open Fire by CSR
Cooking With A Dutch Oven by CSR Copy Cat - Clones of Restaurant Recipes
Copykat Creations - More Clones of Restaurant Recipes Creative Camp Cooking
David Sweet's Outdoor Cooking Page Determining Dutch Oven Temperature
DMOZ List of Dutch Oven Sites DMOZ List of Outdoor Cooking Sites
Dutch Bob's Archives Dutch Daryl's Dutch Oven 'Fraid t'Ask Questions (FAQ)
Eddie Little Bear's Mountain Man Cuisine Ember Cooking
  Family Web Guide's Favorite Cooking and Recipes
Food Timeline Free Recipe Home
Fuel for Adventure Fun With Dutch Ovens
Garlic Page Geezer Cookbook by Dwayne Pritchett
GORP Camp Cuisine GORP Cast Iron Cooking
GORP Kayak Cookery GORP Outdoor Food Index
GORP Trailside Cookbook Great Chili Cook-Off
Happy Camper - Dutch Ovens Horizon Camp Cookbooks
Hurricane District, FL Cookbook Idaho State University Dutch Oven Page
International Chili Society International Dutch Oven Society
Jack Young's Trail Food Page Jim Speir's Camp Recipes
Jim Spiers Cooking Page Jim Speirs Dutch Oven Index
Judging Dutch Oven Temperature Kitchen Charts
KitchenLink Recipes Kitchen Link Dutch Oven Page
Lamson Adventures: Dutch Oven Beef Dishes Lamson Adventures: Dutch Oven Breads, Desserts & Breakfast Dishes
Lamson Adventures: Dutch Oven Chicken Dishes Lamson Adventures: Dutch Oven Soups and Stews
Legends of America Dutch Oven Page Lodge Dutch Oven Recipes
Lone Star Dutch Oven Society Louisiana Dutch Oven Society
MacScouter Bookstore - Dutch oven Cooking MacScouter Box Oven Cooking
MacScouter Chili Recipes MacScouter Cooking for Scouts and Scouters
MacScouter Dutch Oven MacScouter Foil Dinner Recipes
MacScouter Outdoor Cooking Resources McGuffeys' Dutch Oven Page
Melinda Lee's Recipe Archive  
Michigan Camp Cooking Michigan Dutch Oven Recipes
Midwest Scout Dutch Oven Cooking Contest Midwest Dutch Oven Cook-Off
Mike's Camp Cooking Links Mike's Scouting Cooking Tips
Monteran Outdoor Cuisine Native Food and Recipes
NetCommish Index to Camp Cooking Links NetWoods Scout Hut - Outdoor Cooking
Nice Dragon Outdoor Cooking Page Nipper Kipper Smoke Oven Recipes
NOLS Cookery Ol' Buffalo Camp Cook
Ol' Buffalo Dutch Oven Store  
OpenHere Dutch Oven Links Outdoor Campus: Dutch Oven
Outdoor Cooking Guide Parenthood.web Recipe Exchange
Piglet Dutch Oven Links Piglet Outdoor Cooking Links
Pioneer-Cooking List Pioneer Beverages
Pioneer Bread Pioneer Cakes and Cookies
Pioneer Confections Pioneer Fish Preparation
Pioneer Meat Preparation Pioneer Potatoes
Pioneer Poultry Preparation Pioneer Pies
Pioneer Puddings Pioneer Recipes
Pioneer Soups Pioneer Vegetable Preparation
Pioneer-Cooking Page Pit Oven
Portable Soup Primitive Cooking
Real Food for Real People Recipe Goldmine
Recipes Folder Rich Ranch's Dutch Oven Stroganoff
Recipes from Cyber Camp Recipes From Ed's Scout Camp Kitchen
Recipe Source Reynolds Quick & Easy Packet Cooking
Reynolds Wrap Cooking Page Reynolds Wrap in the Outdoors
Rodney Hughes' Camp Recipes Ruth's Chili
Ruth's Cobblers Salmon Cooking
Saving Money on Backpacking Food Scotty's Cooking Links
Scotty's Cooking Tips Scotty's Dutch Oven Page
Scotty's Solar Cooking Scout Doc Cooking Index
Scouter Network Cooking Links Scouter Network Dutch Oven Links
Scouting Bear's Cooking Page Scout-O-Rama Cybercook
Selected Printed Cook Books Seven Secrets of Dutch Oven Cooking
Solar Cooking Archive Soup of the Evening
Speir's Dutch Oven Recipes Suncoast Dutch Oven Society
Texas Cooking Online Top Secret Recipes on the Web
Trail Cooking (Dutch Oven Recipes) Troop 117 Cooking Tips and Recipes
Troop 209 Outdoor Cooking Troop 211 Camp Cookbook
Troop23 Cooking Page Troop 237 Dutch Oven Page
Troop 33 Cooking Resources Troop 332 Menus
Troop792 Cook Book Troop 88 Dutch Oven Page
Troop 928 Camp Cookbook US Scouting Service Project Cooking Page
Virtual Campsite Cookbook by Steve Tobin Virtual Campsite Cookbook by Steve Tobin
WAGGGS-L Cyber Cookbook Wild Game Cuisine
Y2K Chaos Dutch Oven Cooking Young Backpacker Food Hints & Recipes
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Favorite Cooking Quotes

A dutch oven in long-term storage is bad for the soul. — Blaine Nay

A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch. — James Beard

Anything you have to acquire a taste for was not meant to be eaten. — Eddie Murphy

'Escargot' is French for 'fat crawling bag of phlegm'. — Dave Barry

Food is an important part of a balanced diet. — Fran Lebowitz

Gluttony is not a secret vice. — Orson Welles

If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat? — Unknown

I have always enjoyed a strict vegetarian diet. I eat vegitarians. — Blaine Nay

I just hate health food. — Julia Child

In Mexico we have a word for sushi: bait. — Jose Simon

I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead - not sick, not wounded - dead. — Woody Allen

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. — Unknown

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. — Doug Larson

My favorite animal is steak. — Fran Lebowitz

Never eat more than you can lift. — Miss Piggy

Never trust a skinny cook. — Author Unknown

Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. — Voltaire

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food. — George Bernard Shaw

Put a pot of chili on the stove to simmer. Let it simmer. Meanwhile, broil a good steak. Eat the steak. Let the chili simmer. Ignore it. — Allan Shivers

The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found. — Calvin Trillin

There is no sincerer love than the love of food. — George Bernard Shaw

The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it. — Jackie Gleason

To safeguard one's health at the cost of too strict a diet is a tiresome illness, indeed. — La Rochefoucauld

Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat. — Fran Lebowitz

We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are. — Adelle Davis

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Light-weight food products including dietary supplements, meal replacement bars and shakes.

Outdoor Cooking Equipment

Action Africa Inc BeaverTree Camp Kitchen
Blue Sky Camp Kitchen Furniture Bob Myers Camp Table
Bob Meyer's Camp Table and Patrol Box Bob Myers Chow Box #1
Bob Myers Chow Box #2 Box Oven Cooking
BSA Fieldbook Companion Site BYU Solar Cooker
Camp Chef Outdoor Cookers CampChef (Ultimate Dutch Oven)
Campfire Pit Kit CampMaid Checklist
Camp Maid Multi-Purpose Dutch Oven Tool (Lid Holder and Tool) Campsite Cooking With Reynolds Wrap
Chuck Wagon Supply Commercial Camp Cookbooks
Dutch Oven Venders Fuel for Adventure 
Henning's Patrol Kitchen Box Henning's Patrol Table Plans
Kingsford Charcoal Larry Jones Patrol Box & Table
Larsen Dutch Oven Supply Lodge Manufacturing Company
MacScouter Box Oven Cooking MelKamper's Kettle Dutch Oven Supply
MinutePie Mold Ol' Buffalo Patrol Box Inventory
Ol' Buffalo Links to Plans for Camp Tables & Patrol Boxes Ol' Buffalo Dutch Oven Store
Outback Cookware Index  
Outfitter's Pack Station Nipper Kipper Smoker Ovens
Piglet's Dutch Oven and Outdoor Cooking Links Pringles Can Solar Oven
Purdue Charcoal Lighting Page Rodney Hughes' Box Oven
Rodney Hughes' Camp Table Rodney Hughes' Patrol Box
Scotty's Solar Cooking Sierra Solid-Fuel Backpack Stove
Sierra Solid-Fuel Backpack Stove Smoke Ovens Australia
Solar Cooking Archive Solar Cooker from BYU
Solar Cooking Construction Plans Wandering River Sporting Goods
Weber BBQ Wilderness Furnishings Outdoor Cooking
Woody Dutch Ovens ZZ Solid Fuel Stove
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