Membership in the Nay/McNee clan is open to anyone who's birth, adopted, or married surname is Nay or McNee (My own family history shows that my family name was changed from McNee to Nay a few generations back) or who can document direct descent from a Nay or McNee.
Clan benefits include:
A personal email address at (ie or (ie with automatic forwarding to your own email account at your favorite Internet service provider (ISP).
A free link from this web site to your personal web site at your favorite ISP. This allows you to list your web site as or where "myname" is your personal web page name. The content of your website must not contain material which the - webmaster deems unsuitable.
Get Your Own Email Address at or
Would you like an email address that tells the world you are a Nay or
McNee? You can do just that right here. Choose from a personalized email address at either or
There are several services on the internet that allow you to have one email address for life. Some are free. Others charge a fee. One of the most popular of these services is They do not actually provide an email account. They simply forward email to whatever email account you use. This is especially useful to those who change ISPs (internet service providers) due to moves and job changes.
For example, all email addressed to or will automatically be forwarded to you at Although you can now tell everyone your email address is or, you will still read and send email at your current email account. Depending on the software you use to read and manage your email, you may be able to set it so that your email recipients see your or address in the message header.
If you don't presently have your own email account, you can easily create one for free at any of several places on the internet. Perhaps the most popular of these services are,,,,, and Once you have an email account, tell me what it is and I'll set up your email forwarding service.
If you change ISPs you must remember to keep me up to date on your email address you want your or email forwarded to. Otherwise, I won't know where to send your email! To make such a change, click here.
Note: Because our family name will be associated with your email address, do not use it for spamming or any illegal or indecent purpose. Failure to use our family name with respect will result in termination of this service
It may sound complicated, but it really isn't. Just give me the information and I'll set it up.
Get Your Own Web Page Address at or
If you want a web site presence at or -- not just a web site with somebody else's name, this is the place!
I can write a short HTML file which will take Internet browsers from your or URL directly to the index or main page of present URL address for your web site at your ISP. That page (stored at your own ISP) can then have links to all the other pages on your site. You then will be able to publish your web site name as "" or "" where "myname" is your personal web page name. This new address will take browsers to you homepage stored at your own ISP.
It may sound complicated, but it really isn't. Just give me the information and I'll set it up.
If you don't presently have a website, you can easily create one using any of several software packages designed to create web pages. Most current word processing packages have this capability (see your software documentation). You then upload your page(s) to space allocated by your ISP. If your ISP doesn't provide space to host a webpage, there are several free website hosting services (I recommend Once you have the URL to your new website, tell me what it is and I'll set up your URL forwarding service.
If you change ISPs you must remember to keep me up to date on the URL address you want your or address forwarded to. Otherwise, browsers won't find your web site! To make such a change, click here.
Note: Because our family name will be associated with your web page, it will be accepted only if it meets my standards for honesty, decency, and appropriateness.
Click a donation icon below to support the Nay Family History Fund with a voluntary donation. This donation will be used for genealogical research and other expenses approved by the members. To donate more, simply click the desired button multiple times.
The Nay Family in Utah and the West:
A history of John Nay Jr., His Wives and Children
John Nay, Jr. (1804-1892) is the patriarch of most, if not all all Nays rooted in Utah. Some dedicated members of the Nay/McNee family have compiled a book on the lives and posterity of John and his wives, Thirza Angelina Hale (1814-1895) and Lucy Thankful Pine (1831-1897). The book includes comprehensive genealogical charts. Unfortunately, this book is now out of print. An online version with the same copyrighted content is now available. Click
here for more information.
While we thank them for their support of this website, the ol' Buffalo had no role in picking the GoogleAds herein. Their appearance is not an endorsement by the Ol' Buffalo.